
Location specific recycling
hints and digital incentives
to meet our recycling targets

More about Digi-Cycle

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Each collected packaging
makes a difference

Life on Earth is a continuous cycle, which brand owners and retailers can support by promoting the recycling of their products. Digi-Cycle supports consumers in finding the right recycling routes for their products and their individual packaging components. Not by pointing the finger, but with useful information, exciting challenges and attractive rewards.

Digi-Cycle – the digital information and incentive system to increase the collection rate.

As a manufacturer or retailer you can easily become a partner of Digi-Cycle and thus promote a closed resource cycle.

Inform yourself, recycle, benefit!

With the help of the app, participants learn how to properly dispose of packaging and recycle valuable materials. The environment benefits from increased recycling rates while the participants gain advantage from attractive special offers.

Step 1

The first step is easily done: Simply scan the barcode or search for a product.

Step 2

The Digi-Cycle Recycling Guide shows how the packaging in your region should be separated and disposed of correctly in order to allow for a proper recycling of the materials.

Step 3

By digitally checking in at the right container, the disposal process is completed and the participants benefit from valuable bonus points which they can use for attractive advantage offers.

All packaging, all systems

Digi-Cycle is not limited to PET bottles or aluminum cans (which will for instance in Austria be covered by the planned deposit return system), but can be extended to any other products, such as shampoo bottles, yoghurt pots or drink cartons. In other words: for all materials, where the collection rate should be increased in the future.

The app can be used for all common collection containers as well as for return to retail systems or for a collection at the local waste collection centre. In addition to being used for voluntary incentive systems, Digi-Cycle can also be added as a digital return option in deposit return systems (making them a Digital Deposit Return Scheme).

Win-win-win situation with digi-Cycle

The way the app works is simple: scan the code on the packaging and the code on the collection container, drop in the packaging and collect the deposit or incentive. Digi-Cycle pays off for everyone involved – consumers, companies and the environment:


Participating consumers do something good for the environment and at the same time benefit from attractive rewards.


Manufacturers or retailers who participate in the program do not only support their consumers with a convenient recycling assistant, but also strengthen their contact with consumers by rewarding them with loyalty points.


The benefit for the environment is significant: the material cycle is closed and valuable recycled material returns to the beginning of the production chain, thus making a strong contribution to climate protection!

Expandable to a digital deposit system


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Need for action on recycling targets

The Digi-Cycle app was first used in 2021 in a joint project between Saubermacher AG and ARA (Altstoff Recycling Austria), two experienced players in the circular economy. The impetus for the development of the app was the EU recycling target for beverage containers, according to which the collection rates for PET beverage bottles should be at least 90% by 2029. Together with the partners Coca Cola, Brau Union, Rauch, Red Bull and Vöslauer, the acceptance of digital take-back options among the population was analysed within the framework of the pilot project – with a pleasing result: every 6th household in the test region used the Digi-Cycle app to document their recycling actions. In the course of the user survey, all process steps were awarded top marks (on average 1.4 on a scale from 1-6) – and what pleased us the most: the proportion of PET bottles incorrectly disposed of in residual waste has fallen by over 20 mass percent.

Flexible from information to entertainment – customer loyalty made easy

Digi-Cycle offers a wide range of possible applications for manufacturers and retailers. In the first stage (Informer), consumers are provided with location-specific recycling information for the products of a partner company (based on the EAN barcode). In addition, users of the app receive information on the surrounding collection points. In the next stage (promoter), the app becomes an incentive system or loyalty program for customer retention. Companies can support targeted challenges to increase recycling or integrate their own products as incentives (Performer).


Using location-specific separation and sorting instructions for your brand, you can help your customers to recycle correctly.


By supporting collection campaigns, you increase the recycling of specific products or types of packaging in a targeted manner


Close the recycling loop: Customers can redeem points earned through correct recycling for promotional vouchers from your company.

Become a partner of Digi-Cycle

Living the future today – this requires committed forward thinkers. Digi-Cycle partners share the belief that climate protection and sustainability are important cornerstones for protecting the environment.

Would you like to become a Digi-Cycle partner?

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With Digi-Cycle into the future

A high degree of convenience paired with endless possibilities of incentives and all this as part of the digital world – this is what Digi-Cycle offers to manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

If you also think it is time to act for our environment – we will be happy to inform you about the possibilities of being a partner of Digi-Cycle.

You would like to become a partner of digi-Cycle?

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Managing Director

Felix Badura

Managing Director

Michaela Heigl

Your Input – your impact.